Head Gardener's Notes

Head Gardener's Notes: Winter 2020
7th of Feb, 2020
2020 has felt a little like spring at times, with unusually mild temperatures, birds singing and a feeling of being further into the year…before a hard frost comes and knocks everything back a little! Even though we like the warmth I must admit I am grateful for the cold snaps as they have given us a chance to stay in front of the weeds and grass growth, so much so in fact that we have been able to cut the entire garden more than once during what would ordinarily be a “no cut” period.
As is normal for this time of year, the snowdrops are in bloom along Church Terrace with the green leaves of daffodils and early tulips showing along the wall. In the Nut Garden the tulips planted last year are now nearly out, along with the tiny narcissi around the pavilion and pergola. The cyclamen, new to the warm-coloured beds of Jubilee Walk, are giving us a flash of pink amongst the black mulch we have used on the herbaceous borders.
After completing the Flag Garden planting and the George Carter Walk in 2019, this year we are relatively free of large projects. This has given us more time to spend on the Woodland Trail where we have planted hundreds of foxgloves throughout the trees and paths, while improving the dead hedging around the den making area. We’ve also had time to begin the seed sowing for the year with sweet peas in the Jubilee Walk and annuals grown for cutting already pushing up through the compost. I’m also pleased to see our Orchids coming into flower, one of which will put in an appearance at the Visitor Entrance.
Looking ahead to spring, we’re hopeful for a few drier days to enable us to work without rain trickling our hoods. We’ll also be continuing our regeneration on the Woodland Trail. We regularly update our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram pages with our progress in the gardens and grounds, and it’s a great place to see what’s in flower ahead of your visit, so give us a follow if you don’t already
With best wishes,
Tony Wiseman
Winter 2020